Saturday, July 05, 2014

Life as I See It: Busting Myths

Illusory as this corporeal existence 
        may be termed,
I am too glad sifting through
[This imagined existence of]
The interspaces of Time and Space.
Don’t need to be interceded for
To a space-less place-

The echoes of infinity
Tingle me, weaving infrasonic waves
Of life around me.

I can catch up with salvation
Some other day;
I'm here. Soaking in 
The sun's tickle tingling me awake
The wind's whistle cooing on a dull day, 
The patter of rains as it sings 
A new rhythm into play.
A dog's wagging tail at my caress,
Smiles from faces familiar-unfamiliar,
Or a dance move I'd been tugging at to perfect.
Lapping up a home-cooked meal
After a long day, curling up in my bed.
Celebrating joys with an exultant jump
A high-five or a fist-pump,

Celebrating life more
Than fearing death.

1 comment:

  1. OK. I read it again and I say again. Its damn awesome!!


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