Thursday, May 01, 2014

I Imagined a Poem

Life is
Just as I'd
Declared it
In my scribblings.
[It is] precise to the extent 
Of the [now] most appealing and repulsive
Contours and intricacies,
Some overwrought with older etchings,
Made darker by attempts 
At rubbing them out- 
Of where, pray?
[The eternal itch of perfecting the complete, you see.]
I'd dropped them 
Into a box called time
Shuffled into compartments 
Of past, present and future.

We mistake dreams for reality.
And then
Do you mistake imagination for imagination nowadays?
In your sleepwa(l)king consciousness?

The weaved hollow of Empiricism,
The added undulations of space and duration.
Somewhere, one's interpretations
Sewed into another's visualizations
The maze you charted for yourself
To be/get lost
Where all that has existed yet,
Is the reality of the imaginary.
Knowing there would arrive a juncture
When you would be breathing
Into a kaleidoscope of chaos
Waiting to wade into patterned perfection, 
Eventually, when; Alas! 
You fell for time, again, time and again!
And shifted to the infested realm 
Of hackneyed manifestations.

As the universe thrusts that sheet of paper
On to the pen in my hand,
In my quest to trace and quench 
The voices sketched somewhere
In the white void of the sheet,
As I pen verses of salt & pepper.

P.S. Reality gets as real as the illusions we create. Reality is a vulnerable entity that never existed. Imagination is mistaken for unreality, were that a legit term, to explain the context better.

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