Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Who's gavaar actually??

WHY is it that when we see a fellow on the road, wearing shabby clothes, with unkempt hair, just dragging himself along, that we tend to make fun or laugh at that guy and think- "Oh ! Just look at that silly joker !! Doesnt even know the F of Fashion! And look at his clothing.. His dressing sense makes me feel like puking! I dont understand how these people just come out on the roads! They shoud be banned from walkin out in the open.. They're such gavaar peopl.. dunno what they think of themselves! Cheapster ha!!"

This is just what most of us [if not you thats great!! Hats off to you] do..
Well.. God created all of us with the same love, care, affection. Its just that we all differ in terms of financial status, or social standing, or looks, regionality, et al...
In short, we all are one. Its like we're all the different flowers of a plant.. The flowers can never be identical, obviously. Some may be blooming, some may not look that pretty or appealing to the eyes.

Did God ever say that ugly looking- or rather simple looking people dont deserve my love??
No.. All can go to a Church- poor, the rich, the sick, the glamourous .
Is looks, dressing sense, being able to speak english at the speed of light, splurging money on anything and everything- Loius Vitton bags or Jimmy Choo shoes or Gucci glasses all that decides what kind of a person you are?? NO. Being rich and wealthy and famous is not a measure of your sophistication or level of civility.

Think rationally- Can you not be friends with a person just because the fellow has a crooked nose,
or wears braces?? Will that affect your so called 'image'or 'status' ?
Damn your status if you cant feel the pain of a sad soul. What stops you from shaking hands with that guy whose dad works as a plumber or electrician? Go ahead, shake hands, dont hesitate, dont care what your friends will think.. and see the wonderful experience.. you will sense a feeling of closeness and warmth, not awkwardness or shame at all.

We all are the children of the same God, Come on, shed your inhibitions now and be the one to make a change. Let us all act like humans and prove that humanity still exists in us.. or some day God will accuse us of being aliens..

Thanks for reading.


The Good, Bad and the Ugly - What's Your take on this?