Sunday, August 25, 2013


When you're down in the dumps,
And people tell you,
'Others have problems too, you're not the only one.' 
Does it reduce your problem's gravity?

When people refuse flat on my face for something,

[the ones we have expectations from]
Oughn't I feel vengeful?
Can I be blamed for it?

Pity and sympathy are bad. They make a person feel

Even worse about oneself.
Why can't the 'wellwishers' try & help the person instead? 
In order to express their concern better? 

They talk of karma on one hand, sufferings for past sins. 

A new life/birth is a new beginning. 
Then why suffer for prior mistakes?
Shouldn't bygones be bygones?

When it's a bad phase going on endlessly,

Does having faith really matter?
Because what has to happen, will happen. 
Or do you make gradations in your 'destiny',  
Depending on whether we have faith?

If circumstances make me do something

Unexpected of me,
Would I no longer remain the nice person I was for you once?

Yes if you have created the world, and you have planned everything,

Then why didn't you make things all hunky-dory here;
Such that we all would be happy, and so would you?
Sounded too mundane to you, eh?

Wherefrom does the scope of redemption come

If a person turns agnostic after a spate of hardships?
Is your 'Plan' for us so grand that we can never ever decipher it?
Does it still leave us on friendly terms?
Does it not distance me from you?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could just turn up,

In front of someone who really needed a pat on the back from you,
In order to move on in life?

Preoccupations with one's problems leaves one with no scope for 

Attaining a 'higher perspective' about life.
So then where do forbearance and contentment come from in troubled times?

P.S. I wrote this around two years back, this ain't verse nor prose strictly, it's just a bunch of questions I'd penned down over a period of time. Questions we all end up asking while drifting through the vicissitudes of life. These questions should Never turn into a state of mind. As for me I'm an eternal optimist. =D 


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